Thousands of pastors and Christian leaders will gather at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 9, 2016, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. to join in prayer and repentance, focusing on the spiritual needs of the nation.
According to organizers, when a nation is in crisis, Scripture is clear about the solution: “Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders. . . .” (Joel 2:16–17).
Lewis Hogan, co-founder (with his wife Rachel) of United Cry DC16, describes it as a pastor-led initiative reclaiming America’s future. “Throughout our American history pastors have also always played a significant role in bringing about spiritual and social transformation in our nation. We need our pastors to rise up, teach us how to pray, and lead all of us within the Body of Christ back to a relationship with the Lord!”
They believe that making the effort to gather in the nation’s capital has been of historical and spiritual significance. The website explains: “Each time thousands of Christians gathered to pray in Washington, D.C., our nation encountered significant events and God intervened. [This is] not a time to protest, but to pray; not to rail against, but to repent of our national sins.”
The Hogans believe the core issues of America are not political, but spiritual. They are planning for 30,000 pastors to join them at the Lincoln Memorial. For more information or to register your attendance, go to
(C) 2016 Prayer Connect