San Diego Unites in Prayer During Unrest

Thousands of people from 135 churches hit the streets of San Diego in a unified prayer effort during the national unrest that has affected many cities across the nation.

We Pray San Diego is a prayer movement among multiple churches seeking God for their city and nation amidst all the trials brought on by the pandemic and civil unrest. Almost 16,000 Christians spread throughout the city, kneeling to pray on sidewalks, in parks, and in other public places. People gathered in seven different prayer sites, bowing their heads and lifting their hands in prayer, crying out to God for their city.

Miles McPherson, senior pastor of San Diego’s Rock Church, notes the huge turnout at the June rally. He says that between the pandemic and protests, San Diego, like many other cities across the nation, has been hit hard. However, McPherson says, “God can heal all of the unrest. He can bring good out of evil and good out of pain. We’re going to see, I believe, a transformation of San Diego and our country as we go through this.”

McPherson believes they are going to see the fruit of this prayer effort in the days and weeks to come across the city in people’s lives and hearts. “I know that God always hears our cries, and I can’t wait to hear what God has done,” he says, “not only in people’s hearts, but in families and businesses, [and] in people’s health and relationships.”

Among those who joined in the sweeping prayer movement were city leaders, a U.S. Representative, county supervisors, mayors, and city council members. Another 8,600 joined online through social media.

Other cities also report Christians “taking to the streets” to pray and share the gospel in the midst of national turmoil. The unrest began in Minneapolis, MN, when George Floyd died while in custody of Minneapolis police. But nightly gatherings at the site on 38th Street and Chicago Avenue have drawn thousands of people from around the city and nation. Evangelist Sammy Wanyonyi, who has preached the gospel there several times, says, “We continue to share the message of hope.” His organization, Shine in the World Ministries, reports that hundreds have been baptized at the now-famous intersection.

In Atlanta, thousands of Christians came together peacefully on Juneteenth (June 19, commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S.) to reject racism and pray together during the March on Atlanta, organized by the OneRace Movement. Even in smaller cities like Lakeland, FL, a racially diverse crowd of Christians united in prayer to declare, “In the name of Jesus, racism must die.”

— Adapted from CBN News.