Praying for the Seat of Power

The recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump shocked our nation! How has political anger and hatred gotten so bad that an attempt to murder a political candidate occurred? You may be thinking “What can I do to calm this hatred and anger?” Now more than ever, we need to pray! Believers and churches praying in unity can have a powerful affect on government. It can shape seats of power in Washington and locally!

Why is praying for the seats of power in Washington so important?

“How did you vote?” Whenever you hear that question, you know what someone wants to figure out: They’re not interested in local contests or ballot questions. They want to know who you sided with in the big one: the presidential race.

For better or worse, we are a nation consumed with the politics of Washington, D.C. (The antifederalists of eras past and the small-government advocates of today would likely say a lot worse.) The battles in our country’s capital and within the campaigns to lead it are what saturate our airwaves and online media platforms.

Whether we like it or not, those battles are consequential. Just think: How have the presidential elections of the past quarter century shaped the U.S. Supreme Court? Many would argue (including, perhaps, some justices) that the high court has too much power, but its changing composition has brought about some of the great religious-liberty and free-speech victories of recent years—not to mention the overturn of Roe v. Wade. On the other hand, earlier presidential nomination and congressional confirmation processes led to courts that ushered in gay marriage across the nation.

That is just the courts. The occupant of the White House (and the team he or she assembles) determines how vigorously the massive executive-branch apparatus defends people of faith, how intrusive it will be in the relationships of parents and children, how aggressively or permissively it will guard our borders, what public health requirements it will mandate, what priorities we will project to our neighbors around the world, and more.

And let’s not forget Capitol Hill. The members of Congress write the laws of our land. In addition, they can use their power over the government’s purse to hold bureaucratic agencies accountable for carrying out the law as they envision it. And U.S. senators have additional powers over nominations for the judicial and executive branches and over the international treaties that bind our nation globally.

What happens in Washington day to day and election to election affects the trajectory of our nation. How those battles and the campaigns to get there are waged has an impact on the spiritual health of our land. Unfortunately, toxicity and the neglect of godly and constitutional principles are far too common in our day. If there was ever a time to intercede for America on a national scale, that time is now.


  • Pray that God-honoring candidates in the races for the White House and Congress would be victorious, and that they would bring their convictions with them into public office.
  • Pray for national political leaders to nominate and confirm fair, faithful, and freedom-loving judges to the federal bench.
  • Pray for wisdom in our political leaders facing decisions that will define the trajectory of our nation as a whole on matters of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Pray also that they would appropriately meet the needs of worthy individuals in places where government has a unique power to act (military rescues; evacuations and aid in disasters; visas for missionaries and other international ministry workers; infrastructure commitments; and more).


Call the U.S. senators and House member who represent you. Tell them that you are praying for them to be wise, strong, and faithful to the principles of the Constitution in all their work.

Dave Kubal is the president of Intercessors for America. This is adapted from Day 14 “National Politics” in We Declare: 31 Days of Intercession for America (PrayerShop Publishing 2024). Many individuals and churches are using this prayer guide to lift up our nation prior to the electon.