In May, the International Prayer Council (IPC) led a gathering of about 120 national and international prayer leaders in seeking God in united prayer, learning from one another, and planning strategies for the future of the international prayer movement.
They met at Herrnhut, Germany, the Moravian center for prayer and mission. This site saw the revival in the 1700s and the beginning of a 24/7 prayer chain that was used of God for 100 years to send out the first Protestant missionaries to the unreached peoples around the world. Attenders also acknowledged the 500th anniversary of the Reformation—and the need for a New Reformation for Europe and the world.
John Robb, IPC chairman, expressed hope for a new expression of revival. “Could it be that in our day the Lord is getting ready to unleash another awesome revival through united prayer that will impact the world in social transformation and mission breakthrough like the one that flowed out of Herrnhut? New united prayer movements have arisen in recent years within Europe and globally, and I believe we are all asking God to do that very thing. The role of the children and youth will of course once again be crucial; therefore we need to support and empower them in every way we can so they can take their places in both the prayer and mission movements in every nation on earth.”
The prayer leaders spent time waiting on the Lord together with a prophetic sensitivity to what He is saying to the current-day prayer movement and how they move forward together with strategic prayer and mission.