Sensing a strong call to pray on site in the nation’s capital, about 90 prayer ministry leaders, issue experts, and intercessors from locations throughout America, gathered for two days of prayer a week before mid-term elections on November 4. The October 29–30 gathering featured several short presentations of issues and strategic concerns followed by extended times of prayer.
The group also identified and repented for the sins of the nation, acknowledging that the Church has not provided sufficient “salt and light” to the surrounding culture and nation. The intercessors also repented of the Church’s general prayerlessness. They then turned their prayers toward reconciliation and the healing of division between leaders, churches, and parachurch organizations—including the racial divide that continues to sow bitterness. Many participants asked the Lord to grant spiritual revival and moral restoration.
David Bryant concluded the prayer assembly by focusing on the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Participants spent a few minutes on their knees in complete silence.
“We believe that history does belong to the intercessors,” says John Robb, chairman of the International Prayer Council, “and that the Lord will do ‘far more abundantly than all we have asked or imagined’ during this National Prayer Assembly. He will bring about true ‘hope and change’ for the USA as we continue to pray and trust Him along with hundreds of thousands of others across the nation.”
Among the participants were Jason Hershey and a small group of his youth colleagues. Hershey is the visionary behind David’s Tent, a 24/7 worship and prayer ministry that was taking place concurrently on the White House Ellipse, an open plot of land between the White House and the Washington Monument. For the past three years Hershey has hosted continuous worship for 40 days prior to the elections. His desire is to extend these seasons of worship to 365 days per year.
Robb says, “Let’s pray for [Jason Hershey], his colleagues, and for the resources needed to carry on such a vital ministry that is affecting our nation’s capital and its atmosphere in significant ways.”
(C) 2015 Prayer Connect magazine