Prayer and the War for the Next Generation

Since last February and the outpouring at Asbury University in Kentucky, God has been pouring His Spirit out among the GenZ generation (roughly ages 12-25).

As Asbury was happening, more and more colleges and universities across the country were seeing similar outpourings. These campus outpourings are still happening with regularity as Jesus is calling out young people.

But this National Day of Prayer morning, as I was having a cup of coffee, my wife turned on the tv to watch police taking down the barriers at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and attempting to remove protesting students and their encampment, a thought struck me: Satan is doing a counter move for the soul of this generation.

 The war in the heavenlies for the soul of this generation is fascinating to watch.

On this National Day of Prayer, I encourage you to make sure you pray over the GenZ generation.

  • Pray for God’s truth to prevail in their hearts.
  • Pray that heir hearts would be open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that God would continue to pour out His Spirit on Junior High Schools, Senior High Schools and College campuses all across the nation.
  • Pray the Christian students would have the courage to stand up for their faith on their campus.
  • Pray for workers to reach this generation. Pray for the ministries that work among students.

But then, I encourage you to keep praying for this generation on a regular basis.

To do so, I encourage you to enlist others to pray with you—your friends, your small group, your congregation. Then get a good guide to help you focus your prayers. Here are three I recommend:

Reclaim a Generation Volume 2: A 21-day guide to pray for students and schools (focuses largely on elementary, junior high and senior high schools). Many churches will be praying through this guide from Augst 1-21, before their students go back to school in the fall.

The Collegiate Day of Prayer 30-Day Church Prayer Guide: This is a 30-day guide written specifically for believers to focus on college campuses and students. It was originally written to use around the Collegiate Day of Prayer in February, but it can be used at any time.

We Declare: 31 Days of Intercession for America. While this new guide focuses on the nation and the issues we face in America, it has a section on the education of our students. It is a great guide to use to engage your entire congregation to pray for America prior to the 2024 Election.

Why not join an ever-growing army of intercessors and churches who are praying for the next generation. Pray for revival and awakening today and beyond.

–Jonathan Graf is the president of Church Prayer Leaders Network.