Prayer leaders from across the country met in October 2015 to pray and discuss partnership in a National Security Initiative focused on prayer for the nation. Three recently retired generals, a former Homeland Security Department official, and a converted Muslim jihadist warned the group about the incursion of the Muslim Brotherhood into many spheres within the government and society. They described the goal over time to neutralize or destroy Christianity, and subvert the U.S. Constitution, eventually replacing it with Sharia (Muslim law).
The group of 150 leaders also discussed internal threats, such as the existence of Muslim terror cells within the country who might resort to a dirty bomb with nuclear materials, and external threats, such as cyber attacks, Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) destroying the power grid with one nuke set off above the nation, as well as possible direct nuclear attack by Russians, Chinese, or North Koreans. In such situations of potential national peril, it is not enough to rely on the military, the group concluded.
“It is therefore imperative that we as intercessors help to build a wall of spiritual protection as the Lord told Ezekiel (Ez. 22:30). Intercessors are the last line of defense for a nation that is ripe for His judgment and destruction. Please continue to pray for the nation’s security and protection, and for the military and intelligence services to be strong and vigilant in spite of the policies of the current administration that deeply threaten their readiness,” says John Robb of the International Prayer Council.
Prayer leaders also shared their various initiatives and strategies, such as a nationwide effort to prayer walk every community and street in the U.S., and the goal to gather one million young people on the Mall in Washington, D.C., on July 16, 2016, for Together—a cry for a “reset” of America ( Leaders believe the Holy Spirit is raising up such efforts, and therefore they have hope that God intends to deliver the nation through united prayers in the midst of a storm of difficult circumstances.
Pierre Bynum, of the Family Research Council and one of the speakers and facilitators of the gathering, observes that “leaders in the national prayer movement agree that repentance and revival in our churches and a biblical awakening are the only hope for America, and they are believing for both.”
(C) 2015 Prayer Connect.