Leaders of four major ministry coalitions have sensed a call from God to hold a National Prayer Assembly in Washington, D.C. just prior to Election Day. The Assembly will be held October 29–30, 2014, at the Pentagon Sheraton City in Arlington (next to Reagan National Airport). In addition, some time will be spent praying on-site in downtown Washington.
According to Dave Butts, chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee (NPC), the event “comes at a crucial time in our nation’s life. It is not a time for politicking or posturing, but for passionate prayer for a fresh move of God for the transformation of our nation. Our prayer focus will be on repentance, reconciliation, and revival in the spirit of God’s great promise for national restoration in 2 Chronicles 7:14.”
Sponsors hope that many spiritual leaders and intercessors who regularly lift up the nation will hear God’s call to join in this solemn event.
“Are you sensing a call of God to a time of intense intercession for the United States?” asks Butts. “At this time of growing crisis in which our nation seems to have lost its direction morally, spiritually, politically, and economically, we are challenging anyone to come who feels a tug from the Lord to participate.”
The National Prayer Assembly is sponsored by the NPC, Mission America, the International Prayer Council and Renewal of America. To register, go to nationalprayercommittee.com. The cost is $55 (meals are not included). You may stay at any hotel, but if you choose the Sheraton, the rates are $184 (single or double) per night until the room block is gone. Call 1 (800) 325-3535 to book at the Sheraton.
Prayer Connect magazine