The first-ever Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast was hosted at the Israeli Knesset (Israeli Parliament) on June 6 by the Speaker of the Knesset Yuli-Yoel Edelstein and Members of the Knesset Robert Ilatov (chairman of the Beiteinu party) and Rabbi Yahuda Glick.
More than 550 delegates from 56 countries attended, representing politicians, pastors, leaders, and business people from all walks of life. The event took place at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem.
Inspired by the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. (hosted annually by the Senate and Congressional Prayer Groups), the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Movement is coordinated by Albert Veksler who says he is “focused on building an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding.” The invitation stated the Bible’s call to pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “They shall prosper that love thee” (Ps. 122:6, kjv). The purpose of the gathering was to build bridges of blessing between Christians and Jewish leaders around the world.
At the reception in the Knesset commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the reunification of the ancient city of Jerusalem, Mr. Ilatov, who is also chairman of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, spoke of the need to stand together to promote the fulfillment of biblical prophecy of Jerusalem as the undivided capital and “eternal home” of the people of Israel. That is why, he emphasized, people came from the four corners of the world to realign us with God’s covenant.
“Now is the time to put prayer into action” and put pressure on our governments to relocate their embassies to Jerusalem, he said.
Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Congresswoman, and head of the U.S. Christian Allies Caucus, received a standing ovation as she gave her commitment on behalf of the United States to stand with Israel, including a reminder that those who bless Israel will be blessed.
–ANNABEL FOREY, special to Assist News Service.