Combining the Power of Prayer and Social Media
Lifting up the world one friend at a time” is the tag line of a new Facebook application called “Praybook.” With more than 550 million people worldwide using the social media of Facebook, an application that encourages friends to pray for friends has the potential of generating an explosive prayer movement.
Tim Lehmann, the founder of Praybook, explains his reason for creating the application. “I had more than 500 friends on Facebook and I was ignoring every one of them. I began to wonder what God might do if I prayed for them consistently. Social media has provided an amazing opportunity. Never before have we been able to reach so many, so quickly. Praybook can direct that power of social media into a spiritual format to multiply the power of prayer.”
Special Features of Praybook
Praybook organizes and motivates users to be consistent in their prayers for others. Automatic daily prayer lists, generated from the user’s Facebook friend list, help the user pray through all of his or her friends faithfully. Users can then notify friends of their prayers with a message on their Facebook walls. Lehmann sees this ongoing prayer as a catalyst for further relationship building and even evangelism.
Praybook users can also input their own specific prayer requests to the friends in their network. In the same way, they can see and pray for requests posted by their friends. For urgent prayer requests, a special alert is displayed for the user’s entire Praybook network, calling many together to pray for that need.
A 30-day challenge is issued when the user engages Praybook, which helps build a discipline of consistency. Tallies of friends who have been prayed for provide encouragement through quantitative feedback for the user to see the impact he or she is having on the lives of friends. Users are also encouraged to pray with greater faith through a daily devotional thought that speaks to the power of prayer.
Great Potential
Praybook users have the potential to blanket millions of people simply by friends praying for friends, including Christian and non-Christians friends. Lehmann foresees Praybook notifications as a catalyst for spiritual conversations encouraging evangelistic outreach. “The power of God through a family of faithful praying friends has the power to change the world,” he says.
Praybook is a free application. To learn more, visit their Facebook fan page or visit the website at