A Prayer Tweak that Will Cause Your Church to Grow
On Sunday, August 25, when I wrote this column, the church at...
4 Things People Will Pray Over
As pastors and prayer leaders we all desire to see our people...
Leading Prayer with a Passage of Scripture
Praying Scripture is a powerful method of prayer. A congregation hearing their...
The Prayer of Healing
Back in my childhood, I remember that every communion Sunday we had...
Removing 15 Hindrances to Prayer
As we begin a new year, taking stock of our prayer life...
Well Done, Faithful Servant
On November 26, 2022, Dave Butts, an extraordinary and influential prayer leader,...
Mentors Can Shape Your Prayer Life
Having a Life Coach is a popular phenomenon these days. Many people—especially...A Sure-Fire Catalyst to Get People to Pray
Prayer leaders and pastors often ask me, “What one prayer idea seems...
Don’t Forget the Food
My 9-year-old grandson, Jack, seems to have a heart for prayer. I...
Renewed Hope for Revival
Several of my favorite characters in the pages of Scripture first appear...
Why Are We So Surprised?
In a Sunday morning service, my pastor will often have a spontaneous...
Two Key Areas of Prayer to Grow a Kingdom-Minded Congregation
For a number of reasons, most churches focus prayer both in their...
Effective Prayer Starts with Repentance
One of my favorite passages I like to use when I speak...
Engaging Millennials and Gen Zs in Group Prayer
Many prayer leaders desire to see those of all generations engaged in...
Why Should I Pray for Racial Healing?
In Daniel 9, Daniel prays a prayer that modern intercessor call “identificational...
Kanye West, Rock Stars and Spiritual Awakening
A number of years ago, God gave me a prayer burden. He...
Catching Prayer
My seven-year-old grandson can drive! Oh, don’t worry, Jack doesn’t take the...
Bless Your Pastor with Prayer
For probably two decades now, October has been Pastor Appreciation Month. It...
The Problem with Prayer Zealots
By Jonathan Graf I am often struck by the fact that those who...
His Kingdom or My Comfort Praying?
Longtime Presbyterian minister, Dr. Wilbur Chapman (early 1900s) was 26 when called...
How Do You Love Jesus?
Appreciate the Prayer Differences among the Body of Christ The Five Love...
Unplanned Sparking Prayer
It has been encouraging to see reports of things that are happening...
Prayer Leads to Love
My six-year-old grandson Jack cracks me up! Recently my daughter (his mom)...
7 Topics to Broaden the Prayers of Your Congregation
There is a principle that many Christian parents come to learn as...
Pray for Unity, So That . . .
Unity was the theme of our most recent National Day of...When Have We Prayed about It?
Our ministry recently changed office locations. We had been in an office...Calling Your Church to “Extraordinary” Prayer Is Not as Hard as You Think!
Few believers would not admit that our nation is in trouble....
The Value of a Good Prayer Resource
I became a believer when I was fairly young—6 years old. Being...
Praying When You Get the Wind Knocked Out
When I was in my junior high years we lived in the...Is Increased Prayer a Lot of Hoo-Ha?
When I wrote this column I had recently returned from Washington,...Can We Stop Praying Now?
2016 was an amazing year where prayer was concerned. In my 20...