Issue 12 — PDF
Here is a PDF of the complete issue of Prayer Connect. (Click on image...Stirring Revival
A Movement of God on Ivy League Campuses By Matt BennettEverything began changing...Theme Introduction
Hope Undaunted: Renewing a Vision for RevivalThis summer I stopped by city...
Hope Deferred
Will God Answer Prayers for Another Great Revival? By Jim Jarman William MacDonnell is...
Just Two Things!
An Ancient Pattern for Revival By Dan and Melissa JarvisIf you knew God...
Even So, Come
Praying the Revival ScripturesBy Mark D. PartinAs one of our Sunday worship...Bible Study
Renewing a Vision for RevivalBy Sandra HigleyNote: This Bible study is formatted...
What Happens When We Pray?
Seven Benefits of Prayer By Alvin VandergriendSomething happens when we pray that would...
Back from the Far Country
The Journey of Praying a Prodigal Home By James Banks“How’s your son?” “He’s OK,...Kenyan President Seeks God’s Covering
Kenya has been a nation struggling with issues that have tried to...Cross-country Bike Ride for Revival
Earlier this year, Paul Gruber believed God wanted him to sell all...