A Fresh Outpouring
Our Desperate Need for Revival Theme Introduction The U.S. Park Service in...
Brokenness to Fresh Outpouring
When a Pastor Gets Desperate By Nathan Lino I was a broken...
A Cry Up for Revival
Putting the “Oh” Back into Our Prayers By Byron Paulus Embedded in...
Praying through Isaiah 64 Together
Isaiah uses word pictures in much of this chapter. In grasping the...
Receptive Hearts to Receive Radical Love
Kingdom-Focused Prayers for the Next Generation By Stacey Pardoe Every Tuesday night,...
A Hockey Mom’s Radically Changed Prayer Life
When my son Danny graduated from high school last year, he also...
7 Ways to Advance Your Prayer Retreat
Over the last couple of decades, I’ve gone on dozens of personal...
OneCry Calls for Revival and Awakening
At the close of the Asbury University awakening in Wilmore, KY, in...
Powerful Prayer for Gender Clarity
As the spiritual battle against human beings worsens, those who do not...
“Outpouring Teams” Next Steps in Asbury Revival
Following the conclusion of their worship service that lasted 16 days, students...
72-Hour Revival at Baylor Leads to 22 Baptisms
The flames of revival were felt on the campus of Baylor University...