Extraordinary Living through Prayer
Theme Introduction I’ve gotten my personal life in order so many times...
Praying Your Life into Order Spiritually
Your Spiritual Life Determines the Rest of Your Life By Dr. Ronnie...Praying Your Life into Order Physically
By Rachel McMichael Almost six years ago, I was working in the...
Praying Your Life into Order Relationally
Conflict and Tension Can Hinder a Healthy Prayer Life By Dr. Tim...
Praying Yourself into Order Financially
Managing Money Well Blesses Others and Strengthens Your Prayers By Rachel Cruze...Bringing Order to Your Life
Bible Study By Cynthia Hyle Bezek Note: This Bible study is formatted...
It’s Heavy Lifting Time
Mentoring the Next Generation in Prayer By Carol Madison My feet hurt, my muscles...
Six Biblical Prayers When Tragedy Strikes
Hope for a Broken and Hurting World By Stacey Pardoe The day...
Prayer Connect Becomes PRAY
If you have been engaged in the prayer ministry for more than...
Let My Words Be Few
Every spring, for about three days, I surround myself with people who...