Issue 59 PDF
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3 Purposes of Prayer
God’s Plan for Effective IntercessionYou’re the one.” I wasn’t sure why I was...
Presence-Infused Living
Prayer as Relationship with GodBy Kim Butts The life God intends each of...
Praying In Sync
How Our Prayers Move God’s HandBy Jonathan Graf Steve was a new believer...
Persistent Prayer for All the Saints
Watching Each Other’s Backs in Spiritually Dark DaysBy Carol Madison My friend Jean...
The Rich Journey of Paul’s Intercession
Radical Prayer with Sensory OverloadBy Will ThomasReading the apostle Paul’s letter to...
Nothing Excites Me More
For the past 30 years, I have been involved in prayer mobilization...
Clean the Slate
By Dana OlsonThe young, 20-something recent seminary grad, engaged to be married...
Praying for Christian Writers and Media Influencers
Most Christian writers and authors like me consider our work more than...