Beliefnet Dynamic Prayer EBook

Developing Dynamic Prayer in a Church


Prayer is important to the Kingdom life of a church, yet most Western churches struggle to get their people to pray together. In this free e-book, prayer expert Jon Graf shares valuable, yet simple, ideas and strategies that can help any church develop more dynamic and powerful prayer.

You Will Learn:

  • Benefits of Praying Together: learn the 3 important dynamics that are gained in a church whose people pray together.
  • Biblical Principles: learn 5 biblical principles of corporate prayer.
  • Hindrances to Corporate Prayer: learn 6 common hindrances to prayer in a church and how to overcome each.
  • And Much More . . .

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About the Author

Jon GrafJonathan Graf has 25 years experience in helping individuals and especially churches grow in the area of prayer. He regularly speaks on the subject and consults with church leadership teams to help them develop a strategy to make prayer more foundational to the life of their congregation.

Jon is the author or compiler of 8 books including Restored Power: Becoming a Praying Church One Tweak at a Time, My House Shall Be a House of Prayer and Praying Like Paul.

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