America’s Prayer Meeting for Spiritual Awakening
A passionate plea issued to several national prayer leaders has launched a national virtual prayer meeting called “America Pray.” In January 2021, P. Douglass Small expressed his growing conviction that only a God-sent revival and spiritual awakening can save this nation.
“My intention,” says Small, “is to call the spiritual leaders of the nation, pastors of churches, and believers to prayer. We assert, with unwavering sincerity, that our only hope is a spiritual awakening.”
In a descriptive document, Small and other prayer leaders embrace a common mission: “We need passionate, humble, travailing prayer until our hearts and homes are transformed—and our churches and communities experience the irresistible convicting grace of God resulting in repentance and the redirection of millions of lives, and as a consequence, a morally and spiritually transformed nation.”
America Pray acknowledges the many prayer efforts on the national and regional levels—a concerted wrestling in prayer about the nation’s destiny and need for revival. But leaders believe “we have not yet reached a level of lament that is indicative of our plight that might lead to a nation-shaking breakthrough.”
On July 4, America Pray will host a national virtual prayer meeting, launching 21 days of prayer. During this season of prayer, teams will circle the nation and “consecrate” it to God’s original purposes. Then on Friday, July 23, a prayer rally will be hosted near Lebanon, KS—the geographic center and heart of the nation.
A downloadable prayer guide and other information about upcoming “America Virtual Prayer Meetings” are available at