A Day in the Life of a Pray-er

How do you define a pray-er? The answer is different for everyone. I like the idea of letting God hold us and guide us in love as we go about our normal daily routines. This helps to focus on the abundant blessings we are given each day.

We can begin each day with a “good morning” prayer, thanking God for the lovely day and asking for His guidance in knowing where we should focus our attention. I do a quick kneel by my bedside in thanksgiving, asking for guidance throughout the day. I ask Him to bless my family as well. I know I can’t protect all of them myself, but placing them in His hands helps me to start the day with my trust in Him. I also ask God to show me things that I otherwise might not notice—someone who needs help or the offering of a kind word.

A few times per day, I set a mental reminder (or you can even set a physical reminder on your phone) to take a minute and thank God again for the positive things that are happening. Blessings are everywhere, waiting to be noticed. Even small things like a deadline met or a quick response to a question are reasons to give thanks.

God cares about all our issues and situations—no matter how seemingly uninteresting. He is right by our side and available for every decision. Personally, I’ll even drop for a quick kneel if the place is appropriate.

Some days just slump along with things not going as planned or as desired. On those days, I take it hour by hour. At the top of each hour, I ask God for guidance and direction: “Lord, thank You for helping me through this day. Please let me know what I should do in this next hour.”

I don’t have an instant flash of brilliance, but I have a little sliver of peace knowing God is in this with me.


Looking Back

At the end of the day, I remember all the wonderful blessings that have happened throughout the day. There are always many, even on a hard or “bad” day. People who love me, people I love, people I was able to help. I am thankful for food, health, shelter, and for God’s guidance through it all.

If sleep is hard in coming and my brain is on overdrive, I like to invite calm by counting my blessings. I see how high I can get before I drift to sleep. It’s a way of praising God quietly instead of focusing on my worries.

I can also hand my worries over to God. I picture each of my concerns on a card and, standing next to God, I hand Him each card. He holds it carefully and nods in agreement that He will be in charge of those worries. I no longer need to hold onto them.

Being in unceasing prayer throughout the day reminds us of the constant presence of God in our lives. He’s there with us. We can be there with Him in communication throughout the day as well.

JESSE NEVE is an author from Minnesota who writes for family publications.